Comment to 'Okay, so I can't mak...'
  • Wordpress has lot of features missing in UNA
    - mod_rewrite Titel to URL for SEO purposes
    - lot of templates, which can be simple customized
    - adding categories on demand
    - widget areas which can be highly customized
    - articles/site can easily be edited with the "Edit" button in the front end view
    - plugin support is amazing
    - User menu automatically adds new links if you want to
    - fully control of tags, categories, add meta data for SEO
    Simply the usage is a lot better. UNA´s backend looks a little bit like the scripts
    ever looked years ago. NO intuitiv usage possible.
    And many missleading unlogically thinks - like when i search here in discussions,
    i have to choose a category sometimes, sometimes not....
    Or when i click in the search an articel it leads to the profile and so on.
    A community system should be state of the art - and wordpress has done that job since it existed.
    I only use UNA because the point system and the Affiliate plugin which i really need (but it´s not tranfered to una)