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Hi there.
3 days ago i bought a theme from

dolphin-design-theme the marketplace for Dolphin 7.4.2 
I have paid via paypal and the money is there. But i cant see the theme in Shopping Log History
I wrote to the theme designer AND to Dolphin support - but ölike always - i did not get answer.
What can i do to download the theme?

  • 2468
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I just tried to insert javascript, but it wont work.
When i use the php_block modul, the code is just ignored
I try to insert code via echo - no result
I try to insert via ?> CODE <?php - the same - don´t work
So how can i get full functionally php/javascript embedded as a site block?

  • 2557
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Dolphin 7.4.2 

Hi, i just tried to create a new page and found out, that there are only 3 blocks avialable: RSS, HTML, TEXT
Where are the other block? I really like to create some custom pages.
And how do i add php into that new page? I need to calculate some MD5 hash there.
HTML BLock Source Code don´t work with php.
Any idea?

  • 2513
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Hi everybody,
Has anyone of you a working german translation for the latest version 7.4.2 of dolphin?
Thank you very much

  • 2670
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Hi there,
My Messenger here @ just shows me a blank page and also the noticications don´t work.
The problem is the same at my tablet. I can´t see messages/notifications
I can´t find "una" in the cache files and i won´t delete the whole cache and i think that is not the problem, because when i open on tablet it´s the same. 

  • 2355
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Hi, I can`t access a profile of a new friend. In the friends list i try to send message but gut the error "access denied" 
It´s a bug.

  • 1744
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Hi there,
i have just included a wordpress instance by "in frame" - so that the UNA header will show and load the wordpress blog with the content i´ll put in there.
But what happens if somebody reaches the site without going the regular navigation?
It is possible, that via google & co someone lands on the blog on it´s own and then the UNA header will miss.
Is there anything i can do to load the header if this happens?
Thank you very much.

  • 1438
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Hello - i have decided to use wordpress for SEO Reasons with UNA.
How can Include only the Top Header from UNA to wordpress.
I think the way should work with any webseite. Is there any way to just load the header function of UNA - then it can be embedded anywhere.
Has anyone some idea where to start?

  • 1293
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Hi there,
I really like the idea of UNA (and old dolphin) - but when it comes to professional needs like mod rewrite URL´s and some other SEO factors, that are really important, i can´t see light at the end of the tunnel.
Is there any way to have a wordpress bridge to UNA as the following should be able:
- User registers to UNA and can comment on articles wroten in wordpress and get points to post comment in UNA
- User can write article in wordpress without registering again. (using UNA account bridge)
- template of UNA/wordpress could be mixed
Is anyone working on a solution?

  • 1380
Martin-sso Discussions
Marketplace - Bought a Theme - but it is not in Shopping log
How to add Javascript Code to a Page in Dolphin 7.4.2
Where are all the Blocks and how to add php?
Dolphin 7.4.2 Translation 2 German
Messenger disappaered - Notifications also
Can´t access profile of a friend