Comment to 'Update from 11.0.2 to 12.1.0 Not Working'
  • Today I received this message:

    • Site was successfully upgraded to 11.0.3.
    • I also succeeded with update of installed apps.


    1. I'm still unable to update in dashboard to v. 12. Is there a reason that the AUTO update would work but NOT manual update?
    2. Are there any files or DB tables (aside from inc/header_inc.php) that would include the path to install directory? Asking because we did move to new host last year and what was /home3/********/public_html/********/ _BECAME_ /home/********/public_html/********/
    3. Which *file* governs the UPDATE path from dashboard?

    Thanks for entertaining some more intrigue! Hopefully this will be useful to another UNA compatriot.

    • It means that Crons started to work. If you didn't meet any issues with the "modified messages" during that process then you need to activate the next options in the Studio->Site Settings area:

      Enable auto-update

      Force auto-update, even if some files were modified

      Then it will be updated automatically, but the left modules you should upgrade manually anyway.