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So I attempted to work with Una a while back and paid for the Pro license for about a year but that was when the pandemic hit so business tanked and couldn't expand the community as intended. I know wah, wah, wah nobody cares! Anyway back for another go at it. current install won't Update receive this MESSAGE: Patch download failed, or downloaded file can't be saved
So I included the following report in hopes that someone can tell me if these to FAILs need correction before I update manually? I've seen posts from others breaking their site with 13 Alpha so I did download the proper Stable version. Also is there a a Wiki for manual update? Thanks in advance for any help!
Version: 11.0.2 Installed:
- version = 7.3.33 - OK
- allow_url_fopen = Off - FAIL (must be = On)
- allow_url_include = Off - OK
- magic_quotes_gpc = Off - OK
- memory_limit = 134217728 - OK
- post_max_size = 8388608 - OK
- upload_max_filesize = 2097152 - OK
- register_globals = Off - OK
- safe_mode = Off - OK
- disable_functions - OK
- php module: curl = curl - OK
- php module: gd = gd - OK
- php module: mbstring = mbstring - OK
- php module: json = json - OK
- php module: fileinfo = fileinfo - OK
- php module: zip = zip - OK
- php module: openssl = openssl - OK
- php module: exif = exif - OK
- version = 5.7.37 - OK
Web-server: Apache
- rewrite_module - FAIL (you will need to install rewrite_module for Apache)
- Linux 3.10.0-1160.31.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Jun 10 13:32:12 UTC 2021 x86_64
- 1184
Scott Beltz Discussions