Update from 11.0.2 to 12.1.0 Not Working

So I attempted to work with Una a while back and paid for the Pro license for about a year but that was when the pandemic hit so business tanked and couldn't expand the community as intended. I know wah, wah, wah nobody cares! Anyway back for another go at it. current install won't Update receive this MESSAGE: Patch download failed, or downloaded file can't be saved

So I included the following report in hopes that someone can tell me if these to FAILs need correction before I update manually? I've seen posts from others breaking their site with 13 Alpha so I did download the proper Stable version. Also is there a a Wiki for manual update? Thanks in advance for any help!

Version: 11.0.2 Installed:


  • version = 7.3.33 - OK
  • allow_url_fopen = Off - FAIL (must be = On)
  • allow_url_include = Off - OK
  • magic_quotes_gpc = Off - OK
  • memory_limit = 134217728 - OK
  • post_max_size = 8388608 - OK
  • upload_max_filesize = 2097152 - OK
  • register_globals = Off - OK
  • safe_mode = Off - OK
  • disable_functions - OK
  • php module: curl = curl - OK
  • php module: gd = gd - OK
  • php module: mbstring = mbstring - OK
  • php module: json = json - OK
  • php module: fileinfo = fileinfo - OK
  • php module: zip = zip - OK
  • php module: openssl = openssl - OK
  • php module: exif = exif - OK


  • version = 5.7.37 - OK

Web-server: Apache

  • rewrite_module - FAIL (you will need to install rewrite_module for Apache)


  • Linux cloudvpsserver.xxxxxxxx.com 3.10.0-1160.31.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Jun 10 13:32:12 UTC 2021 x86_64
  • 1186
  • More
Replies (17)
    • Hello @Scott Beltz !

      Yes, you need to fix this server issue about the allow_url_fopen setting before the upgrade. Then backup your site and start the upgrade procedure.

      • Thanks for the response, much appreciated, cheers!

        • Still NO JOY! I activated the allow_url_fopen I'm using cPanel at host so I used their manager not manual edit on file then checked the file and it's reflected below.

          allow_url_fopen = On

          allow_url_include = Off

          display_errors = Off

          enable_dl = Off

          file_uploads = On

          max_execution_time = 30

          max_input_time = 60

          max_input_vars = 1000

          memory_limit = 128M

          post_max_size = 8M

          session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440

          session.save_path = "/var/cpanel/php/sessions/ea-php73"

          upload_max_filesize = 2M

          zlib.output_compression = Off

          Also cleared all caches in Una dashboard and just for giggles I changed the following line in BxDolInstallerUtils.php:


          BTW this is a fairly vanilla install that's hardly been used. When we were paying for the Pro we added some modules but never actually used them. Unless the wizards here have some suggestions, I'm wondering if I should just update manually, Is that an option? If so, do I need anything other than the header.inc.php and the database? It's a shame to have pissed the $500+ we spent on the Pro acct. but I was looking for a reason not to start over.

          • Ok I finally got the server issues straightened out and server audit has NO Fails. However, now when I attempt update, I receive the following message:

            Can't apply upgrade because the following files were modified: studio/template/images/spl-image-main.svg, template/images/spl-image-main.svg

            This might be the only thing I changed on this install. Why am I getting this message, with no options for bypassing? I have everything backed up but it's not asking me if I did that. This is maddening!

            • I toggled these settings ON in Settings > Site Settings:

              image_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=120&dpx=2&t=1644083826and NO message regarding modified files. Now it proceeds "as if" and takes quite some time while displaying this message:

              Site will be upgraded within a minute.

              Don't forget to check for modules updates after that.

              Still NO JOY! Any other suggestions I can check, this is turning into a marathon?

              • Do you have the setup Cron Jobs? It can be checked via the Studio->Dashboards->Server audit section. Find there the line Last Cron Jobs execution - the time should be not so far from the viewed moment.

                • We never setup CRON because when we originally installed (at different host) we stopped developing the community during pandemic, no budget. I did check the Audit and Cron - is blank. So as mentioned earlier we migrated to a new host last year but forgot about this community. Well it turns out the 'interwebs' didn't forget. We now have close to 600 members (and most accounts look legit.) but they're not activated. Apparently the admin email was a forward that broke during migration. We're trying to get updated and stable so we can move forward and reactivate the members. Thanks for your feedback!

                  • Enough of our sad story!

                    • Is Cron necessary for update?
                    • Does the update change DB tables substantially? (As mentioned very little content just need to keep sys_accounts and reactivate them.)
                    • If not, can I install v12 and connect to old DB
                    • NOTE: I have installed v12 to subdirectory just to test server plays nice, but I haven't tried cx to old DB.
                    • Can I just import sys_accounts to new DB on the v12 clean install?
                    • Scared to use this UNA! I installed it, and then it says 'theres a new version 13. something. After upgrading to the new version, it broke the site and said try again later. TMD hosting TWICE repaired it by removing some .bntx blahblah file but the first time I edited it it went into offline mode. I spent thousands of dollars on dolphin and three years learning it inside out till I went offline two years ago. Sad that they gave up on that.

                      • Hello @Kevin P. !

                        Sorry to hear about your bad experience but v.13 of UNA is still Alpha, so we prevent to upgrade to it for the big sites before this procedure.

                        • Let's review your story:

                          • Is Cron necessary for update? Yes!
                          • Does the update change DB tables substantially? The usual situation with it.
                          • If not, can I install v12 and connect to old DB. No!
                          • Can I just import sys_accounts to new DB on the v12 clean install? You may try but don't forget about sys_profiles and bx_persons_data tables too. But this is not the proper way anyway :-)
                          • @LeonidS Thanks again, I'll see about following protocol (cron setup first) and then proceed with update via dashboard. BTW good to know about those other tables for future troubleshooting. I owe you pint!

                            • Still trying to sort out why, update not working, When running the server audit a couple things stand out:

                              • Under host tools (on dashboard) 'Web Server' reads - UNDEFINED
                              • When I run Server Audit most everything returns PASS/OK Except the following:
                              • Web-server: Apache

                              rewrite_module - UNDEFINED (try to check manually: apachectl -M 2>&1 | grep rewrite_module)

                              Files and folders permissions returns this, but I checked directory and ffmpeg is there!

                              • /home/********/public_html/**********/plugins/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.exe Not exists Executable

                              CRON is set to Run tonight:



                              14 4 9 * * /usr/bin/php -q /home/********/public_html/********/periodic/cron.php

                              EVERYTHING ELSE = On - OK

                              • Yes, Alpha versions should have only been in GitHub, not on the main site.

                                • Cron Jobs should be launched every minute. INstead of 14 4 9 * * it should be * * * * *.

                                  • Today I received this message:

                                    • Site was successfully upgraded to 11.0.3.
                                    • I also succeeded with update of installed apps.


                                    1. I'm still unable to update in dashboard to v. 12. Is there a reason that the AUTO update would work but NOT manual update?
                                    2. Are there any files or DB tables (aside from inc/header_inc.php) that would include the path to install directory? Asking because we did move to new host last year and what was /home3/********/public_html/********/ _BECAME_ /home/********/public_html/********/
                                    3. Which *file* governs the UPDATE path from dashboard?

                                    Thanks for entertaining some more intrigue! Hopefully this will be useful to another UNA compatriot.

                                    • It means that Crons started to work. If you didn't meet any issues with the "modified messages" during that process then you need to activate the next options in the Studio->Site Settings area:

                                      Enable auto-update

                                      Force auto-update, even if some files were modified

                                      Then it will be updated automatically, but the left modules you should upgrade manually anyway.

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