Comment to 'Content Filter: Add Sixth or More'
  • You will need to adjust the file "BxBaseServiceProfiles.php" located in /template/scripts

    The function you need to make edits in is called "serviceIsAllowedCfilter", the trigger for these to get exposed is within the switch case function:

           switch($iValue) {
                case 1:
                    $iResult = $iValue;
                case 2: 
                    if($iAge >= 6)
                       $iResult = $iValue;
                case 3:
                    if($iAge >= 13)
                       $iResult = $iValue;
                case 4:
                    if($iAge >= 17)
                       $iResult = $iValue;
                case 5:
                    if($iAge >= 21)
                       $iResult = $iValue;

    Add in more like so:

    case 6:
          if($iAge >= 31)
            $iResult = $iValue;

    This means that whatever is the ID 6 (the 6th listed in the CF), whoever is at the age of 31 or older will get to select this option.

    Note, after making edits, users will need to manually update their date of birth, because of how this faulty feature is setup.