Comment to 'Where have the photo albums gone?'

    where is it written for this module, for example, which core version is it compatible with? Where does it say what version the module has? Where does it say what version of php was tested is needed to run? where does it say the database version with which it was tested?I probably don't see that I'm an idiot. And I wonder, you from UNA, what planet do you come from? If a control version is not necessary, why don't these modules work as they are declared. In order for a software to work, certain conditions are necessary, these conditions must be declared. Or it doesn't matter to you, the important thing is to make money. Here in Europe things are much clearer, probably in Australia the government will not ask you what you sell, and how it works, important for them to collect some taxes. If a control version is not necessary to be declared, why don't these modules work as they are declared. In order for a software to work, certain conditions are necessary, these conditions must be declared from the beginning. Or it doesn't matter to you, the important thing is to make money. Here in Europe things are much clearer, probably in Australia the government won't ask you what you sell, and how it works, important for them to collect some taxes. Is that your company too?