Where have the photo albums gone?

Where have the photo albums gone? WHY did UNA become poorer than DOLPHIN? Wasn't it supposed to be an evolution?

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Replies (12)
    • Hello @Olariu Romeo Vicentiu !

      The albums in UNA still exist https://una.io/view-product/albums

      And you may upload there not only photos.

      • The problem is that the upgrade script does not work, no album has been transferred. The avatars are not transferred, and many others.

        So I prefer to stay on dolphin. UNA, it sucks. We still have to wait maybe a few years to use this script. In addition, on dolphin I have 5 licenses, here they offered only one in excange To give up my sites, to receive in return only one experimental script, no thanks.In 5 years they will abandon this project, they will make another site with a rebranding, so the licenses will lose their value. Boonex is not interested in us being successful with our sites. They prefer to always change things to give us a headache and keep us tied to them. With every upgrade, new problems appear, instead of solving the old ones.. Boonex makes fun of its customers.

        Even their sites doesn't work properly, it has a lot of problems. I prefer to migrate to drupal, there is no license fee, and it is much more functional and complete. I prefer to hire programmers to develop my script based on drupal. Boonex's promises disappointed everyone, instead they chopped our money for nothing.

        I prefer to keep the video and photo albums separate. I don't like to make a mixed salad. Has anyone asked the clients of our sites if they agree to lose their old photo albums? I do not believe. it would be pure insensitivity on my part to delete give up photo albums to receive new ones in which all things will be mixed up. the only nice thing offered by UNA, is a nice design. But that only costs a few hundred dollars to a thousand to make an even nicer one for my dolphins. Otherwise, a lot of functionality is lost here and many previous scripts no longer work here.

        Drupal offers many more modules, much better than anything UNA has to offer, and most of them are free. BOONEX is only good for spending money for nothing. All their products instead of developing and growing and improving, they kept changing and always created problems. What bonex doesn't understand is that they don't have to develop products. But only to develop the platform and tools on which the applications can work, the old ones and the new ones.

        UNA has nothing interesting to offer, there is no development platform, programmers cannot work on UNA when the core is always changing,

        It's like trying to build a tower block on quicksand.

        The biggest mistake was to abandon dolphin and make a new "platform", when dolphin should have been developed as a superior version. There is no future with UNA, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow they will abandon this project as well with a new rebranding

        Everyone will work for nothing.

        • If you remain inclined to address the matter concerning your album-related issues and other upgrades, in addition to the kind comment you posted, I kindly request that you privately message me with the previous Dolphin CPanel and admin access.

          • If you think you have programming skills or influence in leading the UNA team, I suggest you do something more useful instead. These problems are not only about me, you need to do a little cleaning in the UNA script.

            Insert a version control in the UNA installation script.

            Enter a version check algorithm for each module in the market. with a tick: Compatible module for UNA X.X.X cores. verified by UNA team. Or unverified and then everyone assumes the risk of checking on their own test server.

            Each programmer should have the possibility to add different versions for his module for diferent version of UNA core.

            Introduce an installation log generator in the core, so instead of asking for the root password on a client server, you only ask for the installation logs.

            • Each module must have a wiki.txt and a wiki_admin.txt file or other extension, included in the source code

              The wiki must read these files and extract the information and automatically generate an html page that can be read online. by the admin or by the end user.

              These files must contain tags so the wiki categories, titles and subtitles can be created automatically.

              And all this information is available to those who need it.

              In the market there must be a link to the documentation from the wiki.

              Also in the market if the module is open source there must be a direct link to github or anywhere else people can contribute.

              There must also be a link in the market to an automatically generated forum for each product so everyone can discuss.

              • https://www.drupal.org/project/fastly

                This is how a distribution page of a module should look like

                • I guess you didn't work with UNA much yet, because the mentioned things like the logs or version compatibility check were already introduced. I didn't ask the "root password", but only the usual CPanel because you have told us about the problems with the migration process. This part is under review by @Alexey in the next thread now.

                  • https://una.io/view-product/dolphin-to-una-migration

                    This module is not even on the market, it is on github and is included in the latest version of UNA, .13.0.0-RC

                    it does not say anywhere that it is not functional with UNA, but it is included in it, if it doesn't work with UNA 13 why is it included in it? Where is your logic and where is the version control?

                    When a module is not tested, why is it included in the master version of UNA? I would be curious to understand what logic the UNA team is guided by, I don't see any yet. It was installed without any problem and then where is the control version? Why didn't it prevent me from installing if it is not compatible with this version?


                    • https://una.io/view-product/spotlight-ads

                      where is it written for this module, for example, which core version is it compatible with? Where does it say what version the module has? Where does it say what version of php was tested is needed to run? where does it say the database version with which it was tested?I probably don't see that I'm an idiot. And I wonder, you from UNA, what planet do you come from? If a control version is not necessary, why don't these modules work as they are declared. In order for a software to work, certain conditions are necessary, these conditions must be declared. Or it doesn't matter to you, the important thing is to make money. Here in Europe things are much clearer, probably in Australia the government will not ask you what you sell, and how it works, important for them to collect some taxes. If a control version is not necessary to be declared, why don't these modules work as they are declared. In order for a software to work, certain conditions are necessary, these conditions must be declared from the beginning. Or it doesn't matter to you, the important thing is to make money. Here in Europe things are much clearer, probably in Australia the government won't ask you what you sell, and how it works, important for them to collect some taxes. Is that your company too?

                      • I don't use cpanel, it's just a normal cloud server, I only work in ssh. I don't see the point of cpanel. I don't like complicated and non-functional things. cpanel is slow, and can't do everything you need, it's good for those who don't have experience in server administration and love buttons, but that comes with too many limits. the last time I used cpanel was about 10 years ago

                        • Here on UNA is there no one who solves the problems of the scripts distributed by UNA? Or are they made specifically wrong to be forced to pay someone to help you? On dolphin, all the migration scripts from one version to another all worked perfectly. But the migration script from dolphin to one is not functional even today after so many years

                          • Hello, dear @Olariu Romeo Vicentiu !

                            I would like to address the ongoing discussion in a more organized manner, considering its unexpectedly extended duration. Kindly take note of the following points:

                            All issues pertaining to the Dolphin migration script have been brought to the attention of @Alexey in a separate thread, where they are being actively addressed.

                            I appreciate your proficiency in working solely through SSH. However, the request for "CPanel access" is a common procedure employed when there is a need to inspect server-side components. It is worth noting that not all website owners possess the same level of expertise as yourself, and CPanel offers a more user-friendly interface for their benefit.

                            The recommended approach for working with UNA involves utilizing Studio. Consequently, the installation of the Dolphin migration tool directly from there was not possible. Nevertheless, it serves as a valuable internal resource for facilitating migrations, which is why it has been retained in our GitHub repository. For the optimal workflow, I suggest following the step outlined in the documentation available at https://una.io/wiki/Installation#step-1---download.

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