Comment to 'Multiple sites having issues now'
  • Images are resized on the fly when you access the page, however when they are already resized then resized copy is used. Some issues may happen when several big images are uploaded and someone try to open the page with this uploaded images for the first time then it can be longer or page can contain some broken images if server's resources or software limitation prevent image resizing.

    Also are you using retina monitor (in this case images are 2x lager) ? or standard resolution ?

    • The only thing different than all the rest of the times, is that I had to switch severs because the one I was using was bought by UNA or whatever...aka Zarconia.
      I wish I would of known you guys were buying it because then I wouldn't of had to go through the whole mess of transferring everything...and now dealing with these issues.
      Which part would I have to change on the server to allow for the resizing?