Comment to '"Follow" doesn't appear on Organization's & Event home pages and Organization's & Event profile pages'
  • If we look at other social media, people are able to follow brand pages without joining them. A business(org) would create a business page, and then instead of having people JOIN the business page, they follow it, to get updates. In a similar way how people follow each other to get updates, without adding each other to friends.

    Follow should 100% be independent from friending/joining an org. 

    Lets say you're a restaurant and want to publish updates about your restaurant. Would you expect only employees to JOIN the organization, and not spend your time filtering hundreds or thousands of join requests from strangers? Yes, of course. Would you "friend" as a restaurant with people? No, that's weird. Would you expect to just maintain your page, post there, and have people follow the page to receive updates on their personal feed? For sure.

    Why is there no such option?