Comment to 'Questions about Stripe Settings'
  • Hello to y'all.

    Thanks so much for your replies. They have helped me a lot.

    I was so confused and the documentation about Stripe settings here on UNA didn't help either. It is outdated and confusing. It definitely needs to be updated.

    @Wise, Thanks a lot mate! Your explanation on the Pricing ID was crucial. I was pulling my hair out trying to figure out how to add the UNA autogenerated Paid Level name to the Pricing ID field on Stripe while it's actually the opposite. It's the autogenerated Pricing ID (API ID) on Stripe that should be copy to the Paid Level name field in UNA.

    About your fix for Stripe 3D secure, I am using the Standard Stripe, not the Stripe with 3D Secure as it doesn't allow to use recurring payments with trial period. I Will be offering a trial period in my new project. So, probably for now, i won't need to apply your fix.

    @Anton L, Thanks a lot for clarifying things. Yes, that was confusing me. I thought that the unique auto-generated name with dashes and numbers (like Premium-Yearly-8742) was visible to common buyers.

    By the way, you forgot to answer my question #6: Where do we add the free trial period on the product page (on Stripe)? It's no longer supported. Stripe says: 'Legacy - Setting a default trial period per price is no longer recommended and is incompatible with Checkout.'


    • By the way, you forgot to answer my question #6: Where do we add the free trial period on the product page (on Stripe)? It's no longer supported. Stripe says: 'Legacy - Setting a default trial period per price is no longer recommended and is incompatible with Checkout.'

      Hello @Anton L Any idea on this one? Thanks