Comment to 'UNA 14'
Comment to UNA 14
  • I completely agree that more frequent updates would be preferable. In some cases, like with v13, it is difficult to split up the updates because we have to complete a makeover of some sort that can not be delivered in parts. In this case it was priority about adopting TailwindCSS for frontend styling. Just couldn't go half-way in many aspects. And while we're working on such a makeover there's usually a bunch of new features and implements that get pushed from tailored implementation projects or are required for us to be able to deliver a client project. 4-6 months cycle would be most ideal for us - not too far apart as to make updates cumbersome, and not too frequent as to make people loathe constant need to update.

    UNA 14 is meant to be a follow-up update focusing on user-experience improvements and general performance. So, instead of building new modules we plan to work through existing modules and make them better. This will also allow us to release sooner.