Comment to 'Can't apply upgrade because too many files(60%) were modified in Persons and Protean module'
  • Hi Omar Amer 

    as I wrote: "I haven't changed modules files..... " I don't know why the check_hash result was 60% for Persons module and even 77% for Protean. I haven't changed them. So my site is not different from default UNA layout. 

    • huh.  thats interesting then.  i'd not gotten that error.  although i did add a line of code at the end of my inc/utils/ which ive now removed, because una wouldn't update without it, and i didnt understand the "force even if" option enough to know if it would modify (and strip) my addition, or how it would re-act..
      i think una is running a "windows on windows" platform emulator of some sort.. which, worries me, because this kind of thing has a lot of security vulnerability eventually..
      my clue was the C:/fakepath/.... type thing..
      rule #1 if its not explicitly allowed, its denied/// of security, but things like php exec make holes for water with this..
      (pardon, im drifting topically) i was just thinking about my surprise when i found undeletable attachments injected into my post editor here on before i was even to click to compose a new post...