Comment to 'Still waiting on answer on Jerome Mingo and why he and his APPS were abruptly removed....'
  • That's just insane. I completely understand that UNA marketplace should handle disputes between buyers and sellers.. but suspending a main third-party developer like Jerome should be the last resort.

    Almost all third-party developers are gone. Jerome was basically the only one left. He has sticked with UNA till today and has contributed a lot for this community. Is that how you thank him?.. by kicking him out just like that? Please think about it. @Andrey Yasko @Alex T⚜️

    Despite the nature of the dispute between them, punishing a whole community for one person's mistakes or behaviors is unfair. Some of our websites/projects are completely based on Jerome's modules. We definitely rely on him for support, updates, customizations etc if we want to keep our UNA websites running. Have you even ever thought about us UNA users and Jerome's customers before suspending him?

    IMHO, UNA should find a different way to handle this dispute without a collective punishment. Thanks.

    • This is a case of to many hands in the cookie jar.

      The only way you can get a solid foundation is to contract with the Dev's that come around. UNA needs to place a system to where Dev's must contract with UNA. They must agree to a contract before they can set up an account, and sell apps. In that agreement must be some kind of guarantee of liability and repercussions. The door is to wide open right now. Which creates situations like this.

      Not only would this protect UNA and its endeavors, but it would protect us and the Dev's.