Comment to 'Still waiting on answer on Jerome Mingo and why he and his APPS were abruptly removed....'
  • Very true. There's a sense of security knowing that features being implemented is done by the core maintainers. This is why scripts like Social Engine, phpFox, and a number of others on CodeCanyon thrive. No abuse of power that leaves the community stranded due to outlandish actions.

    @LoneTreeLeaf Uh... My Site was originally built on Social Engine. So I feel I should inform people here about what really goes on with SocialEngine before anybody here steps into that rabbit hole. SocialEngine is run by a small company based out of India. I paid several thousand dollars for their platform and all of their plugins. Especially the live-streaming one. We had nothing but issues from day one. And trying to get anything resolved with them was like getting a root canal.

    1. Their live-streaming option requires an additional subscription to another service that costs several hundred dollars per month. There is no open-source option like with UNA which uses OvenMediaEngine (open-source)
    2. If the SE techs set up your streaming server, they will sign you up for both this service and an AWS server without even clearing what the monthly costs will be with you first.
    3. After spending months trying to get everything to work, they dragged out the "free 90 days" of tech support and were constantly trying to demand money out of us for things that "weren't covered" by the free 90 days.
    4. UNA only has 1 person doing Customer support, because at the time we were using them (early 2023), They had lost so many customers to other platforms, that they couldn't afford to pay anybody else.
    5. Just before the 90-day period was up we had made the decision to move to UNA. I Had to fight for several months after to get refunded the $2000.00-ish that we spent with them. During this time I got responses like this: "We're not giving a refund, and since we are in India, there's nothing he can do about it. Our laws are different than in the US. "
    6. I had to hire a lawyer in India to walk me through the consumer protection laws over there. (she was awesome).
    7. That, along with Paypal and my bank's help, We managed to get back about 95% of the funds. But it took like 3 months of arguing to get the funds back.
    8. During all these issues I learned that SocialEngine's framework hasn't been updated since 2010. Which is when I first used it to run a non-profit group I was in charge of.

    SocialEngine might have been a great platform at one time, but since their egos and hubris refuse to do what's best for their customers and their platform... It's no longer a solid option.

    Also, I've never gone more than 3 days without a response when I have an issue with my UNA site. If there's something big I need, I just use the calendarly thing to schedule a zoom call with them...

    • Very good Info. I will say that the latter is evolving on UNA though...

      Its a common issue with business. Its just whether the business "PRIDES" itself on Customers, or Business.

      "SocialEngine might have been a great platform at one time, but since their egos and hubris refuse to do what's best for their customers and their platform... It's no longer a solid option."

      I am seeing a losing battle here for sure. Technical help has really become difficult these days on UNA. (Average wait for most between (3 days - No answer), Many promises have fell through the cracks as well as support.

      • Maybe this was true in the past, but the lead dev from phpFox and his crew have since migrated over to the SocialEngine team and it's been fine ever since.

        In regards to UNA getting in touch with you within 3 days, I'm happy for you, I just wish that could be said across the board and not by special cases. (Granted I figured out how to tamper with the database and code to fix it myself, but had this have been someone without the skillset or know how....) (For context, read the date I created the post versus when someone from UNA finally got it it after I brought it up in another forum post, describing my frustration of non-responses).

        • Maybe this was true in the past, but the lead dev from phpFox and his crew have since migrated over to the SocialEngine team and it's been fine ever since.

          This was just less than 18 months ago. Their team has been falling apart. They barely have any clientele left. I know this because I was told that one of the reasons I had to fight so hard to get my refunds was because they 'needed' the money. A lead Dev from PhpFox, did nothing to help that company.