I'm curious if anybody from MSolutions is still on the site, I was trying to keep this conversation private, but I've waited since August of 2023 for another response.
So I need a refund for:
- File Manager (This plugin locked up our entire server the first time we used it. We nearly lost everything. We spent several hours on the phone with the hosting company to get everything restored)
- Meet Users Tinder Style (just caused errors)
- Pretty Links (Caused errors with outer modules)
I need permanent fixes for:
- TikTak
We need to get this fixed with the NSFW Plugin - https://gyazo.com/3e6a7f5ee3843d784a81f643705fb0f8 - It is preventing us from using the pinboard-style layout for our site, which is what we prefer to use.
As far as the TikTak Plugin goes, my Team has managed to apply some minor fixes to it, but it continues to have issues, such as videos not loading in a lightbox.
I wanted to invest in some of your other plugins but I hesitated due to the lack of customer service response & the lack of updates.
- Pretty Links - $49
- File Manager - $59
- Meet/Tinder - $45
That's $153 I'm waiting on and have been waiting on for months.
UNA has suspended the MSolution account due to this issue, so I'm unsure as to why you are not simply willing to move forward with this, We have a ton of custom work that needs to get done, some involving the modules that we still use of yours.
However the lack of communication and willingness to remain suspended from the site for over $153 confused the hell out of me. Just send me the $153 in credits, and we can move forward.
This has got to be the oddest attempt for a refund that I have ever had to deal with.
- 664
Since I didn't want to waste any more off-topics in discussion
The design/template you use is the same. Because by default, the UNA Template is "Artificer". So if you say there are limitations to template design, that's wrong.
There are limitations. If there wasn't there would be entire theme websites dedicated to selling alternative designs. It's the 1 thing I find frustrating about UNA. Which Is a limitation I've accepted. However, I've tried to get the site to work as needed, but the limitation I'm referring to is in the pin board style feeds, Because a certain developer that used to be on this site, doesn't want to fix their code for a mod that is extremely important to our site, we can't use the layout we want because it glitches out the site.
Maybe what you mean is that your skills are limited or you don't understand how it works.
Maybe I should clarify, I'm a designer. Not a coder. So I usually pay others to help with the stuff that needs to be coded, and that includes CSS. As far as Page layout. Yeah, been working on that.. but there are a lot of pages, and it takes up a lot of time just editing the layout of every single page.
And it seems you are offended by my comment. Are you the type of person who doesn't like receiving suggestions and criticism?
It's not a matter of offense. I just don't appreciate somebody randomly criticizing our design when I have not asked for it, especially in what should be a space to discuss a tech issue.
Lastly, you are also in the wrong place to post here, ...
If I had posted in a design issue discussion then it might have been welcome. From a Marketing Perspective, your approach is sorta spammy and from a web design perspective if you gonna suggest somebody look at your site, then have something to look at. Who uses an all-white theme in 2024?
Also, it seems to have something to do with a forced update, I was pointed to this discussion this is where I posted. I am not a coder, The Topic I posted in came up when we were looking for a solution to our entire site going offline due to a forced update that was pushed through Friday night. He searched the Critical Errors found and this topic came up.
But it's Moot. My people fixed the issue. It involved rolling back my entire site to 2 days ago. SO if there is some sort of forced update. can we somehow make sure this doesn't happen again?
Just so there's some additional info on the error, gonna repost this here:
public function getCode()
BxDolTemplate::getInstance()->setPageUrl('page.php?i=' . $this->_aObject['uri'] . '&profile_id=' . $this->_oProfile->id());
return parent::getCode();
this is the line causing the error
AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function id() on null in /var/www/vhosts/teazesocial.net/httpdocs/modules/base/text/classes/BxBaseModTextPageAuthor.php:72\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/vhosts/teazesocial.net/httpdocs/inc/classes/BxDolPage.php(696): BxBaseModTextPageAuthor->getCode()\n#1 /var/www/vhosts/teazesocial.net/httpdocs/inc/classes/BxDolPage.php(429): BxDolPage->displayPage()\n#2 /var/www/vhosts/teazesocial.net/httpdocs/r.php(30): BxDolPage::processSeoLink()\n#3 {main}\n thrown in /var/www/vhosts/teazesocial.net/httpdocs/modules/base/text/classes/BxBaseModTextPageAuthor.php on line 72', referer: https://teazesocial.net/joined-events/tiktak-author/tracey-simmons
idk, but it's listed as the first step in the traceback
so $this->_oProfile is null
- 772