Comment to 'Public Feed - All my photos have disappeared since rc12'
  • Hello Anton and Alex,
    The button "see photo" has always been unchecked at home, as I already said in this discussion and other discussion before.

    All this discussion is on this, the patches you've made too, you can not reread this discussion and tell me that you think I allowed to see the photos for non-members. You would then have answered, just "close the button".
    I did a backup just before the update, so in version rc11 + fixes that you brought after this discussion.
    I restored this backup on the demo site here:
    See here how it works or on the video that I am enclosing here:
    It works just as I wanted it to work, ie I do not have an empty PUBLIC feed, but non-members can not enlarge the photos.
    Note that if you go through the module directly, always with the button open, it does not prevent you from seeing the thumbnails for the cause.
    Let's stay consistent, why there and not in the Public Feed?
    Note that if the thumbnails of the photo modules were square and could display the portraits correctly, I would not bother you with that, I would just place this block on the home page but that is not the case.
    I can not do it, he often shows his feet.
    In addition I am afraid that in a future update, you will hide that if you want to be consistent!
    You must understand that the product of a dating site is the people themselves and that it is they that make other members want to join us.
    If you do not understand this, then, it must be made clear that Una is not suitable for a dating site, you will never sell it as is for this purpose. I have 8 years of experience in this field, trust me.