Comment to 'Affiliate System'
Comment to Affiliate System
  • Hello @OneEagle ,

    Thank you for using our modules and for your suggestions to improve them!

    Currently, there are options available that allow the conversion of Affiliate commission into Credits, Points, and real money. The administration can enable new options that allow users to receive Credits and Points in real time when actions are executed. This way, members can use them as they wish.

    Could these new options address all the issues you listed?

    • Thanks for your reply.

      The only things I can see are:

      • Allow to use points as commissions
      • Allow to use credits as commissions
      • Allow to use default currency as commissions

      But I don't see any conversion feature 'default currency' to 'credits' or 'points'.

      Let's say that I have enabled the 'Allow to use default currency as commissions' only because I don't want to grant users points and credits on top of the money they have already earned.

      I don't want them to earn e.g: $10 + 5 credits + 15 points for referring others. I just want them to earn $10 per referral. So I disabled both 'Allow to use points as commissions' and 'Allow to use credits as commissions'. Then a user earns $50 of commission.


      1. How will he/she use the money from his/her affiliate commission to renew or upgrade his/her membership level or to pay for an ads or a paid join group/course?
      2. How will he/she donate a part of that money to another user since there is no conversion to credit or point feature? can a user withdraw his/her affiliate commission money as Credits or points instead of money? if so where and how to set the conversion rate?
