Comment to 'Link Domain/timeline-view'
  • OK so... My entire site is down and according to one of my admins, this discussion thread has something to do with whats going on. Help?

    6:30 PM] Atoro:

        public function getCode()
            BxDolTemplate::getInstance()->setPageUrl('page.php?i=' . $this->_aObject['uri'] . '&profile_id=' . $this->_oProfile->id());
            return parent::getCode();

    [6:30 PM] Atoro:

    this is the line causing the error

    [6:30 PM] MissPetty:

    How so?

    [6:31 PM] Atoro:

    AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function id() on null in /var/www/vhosts/\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/vhosts/ BxBaseModTextPageAuthor->getCode()\n#1 /var/www/vhosts/ BxDolPage->displayPage()\n#2 /var/www/vhosts/ BxDolPage::processSeoLink()\n#3 {main}\n thrown in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 72', referer:

    [6:31 PM] Atoro:

    idk, but it's listed as the first step in the traceback

    [6:31 PM] Atoro:

    so $this->_oProfile is null

    • BTW, the layout of your site doesn't look good to visitors, especially desktop users. see our sample site.

      Haven't had any complaints, plus my business partner and I have been doing design & marketing work for 25+ years. Seems like an odd thing to post here... Our site design is based on the limitations of the template. But since you decided to comment on ours, I'll share some wisdom. People in bright white glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

      • Sorry, this is just a suggestion, whether you accept it or not, that's your right.

        The design/template you use is the same. Because by default, the UNA Template is "Artificer". So if you say there are limitations to template design, that's wrong. Because UNA has a complete design and can be adjusted to the wishes of the site owner. Maybe what you mean is that your skills are limited or you don't understand how it works.

        And it seems you are offended by my comment. Are you the type of person who doesn't like receiving suggestions and criticism? If so, maybe you should study again like the UNA site which accepts various critical suggestions so that this can develop well.

        Lastly, you are also in the wrong place to post here, because your question is different from the owner's question @SmartStylez

        Create different questions on your profile.

        • Your right. This is not the proper discussion thread... I moved my issue here: