Comment to 'UNA Platform... is there any risk of the U.S. gov't or any government that can prohbit the use of UNA Platform?'
  • We released under MIT to make it resilient. We operate under US and Australian jurisdictions, but the platform can be re-released, forked, spinned-off by anyone anywhere, anytime. 

    Hypothetically we could be ordered to stop providing updates via UNA.IO (that's the only real connection between us and the UNA-powered sites) - which would only mean that the updates server would have to be launched under different entity and sites would need to reconnect their keys. 

    We could be ordered to include backdoors for snooping - but with UNA being open source everyone would know right away and would be able to fork a clean version. 

    Local operators could be prohibited from using it - but it's nigh impossible to enforce because any platform-identifiers can edited-out.

    So, no, UNA can't be stopped.