Comment to 'Owerride base class for custom theme only'
  • Hello LeonidS !
    I tried the way you suggestet before ask my question here. It's not work (((
    Ofcourse I can specify my task.
    I create own theme module for customizing UNA. On persons-home page I want customize buttons for Add friend/Follow actions - button with icon and label text in title attribute - like a tooltip.
    I can do this if override _getMenuItemConnection() from BxBaseModProfileMenuSnippetMeta in
    modules/boonex/persons/classes/BxPersonsMenuSnippetMeta.php But it 'global' action for all themes and it not what I want.
    Also I fiind this class in DB in sys_object_menu in override_class_name and override_class_file.
    I have a some crazy idea how to realize this.
    1 - create class in my theme extended from BxPersonsMenuSnippetMeta.
    2 - in enable/disable scripts update row in sys_object_menu for override_class_name and override_class_file - change class name & class file.

    3 - in overriding method check current theme name and call needed function depends theme name.

    Maybe I'm wrong and there is an easier way to do it