Sounds like you misconfigured jot
i think the issue is with the certificate files.. At least i dont see a separate key and a private cert file.. I just have several .crt files, and have the same file for both variables. I dont see any key files in the /home/webgurul/ssl/certs folder. The relevant files i have to choose from are:
not sure what the .cache one above is i didn't try using it..This is what my config file looks like
/* Port on which you would like to run the server */
/* development mode allows to see details of request and response in real time when server is running,
you may leave it empty when run the server in production */
/* This file will be used as log file for errors and warnings which may occur */
/* List of allowed IPs connected to the server.
You may put IPs one by one as "","" or just use "*"
(in this case any domain may use your server for Jot Messenger module) */
/* It is transformer which is used for Primus by default. We chosen sockjs,
because it most stable in our opinion. You may read more about transformers on
primus page https://github.com/primus/primus */
/* If you have https server (recommended) you need to fill 3 fields below */
root: '/home/webgurul/ssl/certs',
cert: 'penamacor_network_webguru_live_d9ad0_66be1_1615247999_91db5af7f95f143a155561df884a0fdc.crt',
key: 'penamacor_network_webguru_live_d9ad0_66be1_1615247999_91db5af7f95f143a155561df884a0fdc.crt',
/* Profile Status constants, don't need to change them */
The only key file i can find is here:
/etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.keynot sure how it can be referenced with just one "root" path
any help appreciated!