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i have got the messenger system almost working.. but this final issue seems like something is not quite right..

WHen i send or receive messages they only display after i refresh the page.. unil then nothing happens.

Does anyone know why this might be? 

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hey! i need a little help getting jot server to work.. i have a VPS.. Ive installed node, seems ok.. and jot server.  but the messenger page is blank,.,.

THere may be an issue with the sever certificate locations, its a littlle confusing,.. can you please help as ive tried everything now and i cant get it working. Im already nearly at the end of the first month and havent got the basics going.. thanks!

  • 2457
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I have installed several plugins sucessfully, however the MARKET and other plugins wont download and just display a small box with the word EMPTY..
this worked before and now im on a new domain, but not sure What the issue is?



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Penamacor Discussions
messenger only displaying messages on refresh
jot server config for messenger
many included plugins wont download (show as empty)