What was your solution?
Deactivated the Accounts module, and it made no change.
Baloo I only recently added the Accounts module, and have not had issues with notifications going out that I'm aware of. That module may not be related to what's happening.
Maybe it's just an issue that needs custom programming, to simplify account/profile creation... I'll keep poking around.
Baloo , it automatically generated an account name with that field disabled during registration. This is my view in the Accounts Module:
Interesting! If I can do that, that's one less thorn in the foot. Alex T⚜️ can you confirm that it will not cause any problems?
If name field is disabled on join form then name fields is automatically generated as shown on above screenshot, it should not cause problems since this specific situation is handled , if you have any issues then you can file big report and we'll fix it in one of future updates.