Comment to 'Manual Confirmation of Email Address'
  • Having said that, I agree that there may be situations when for some reason manual email confirmation is useful - for example for testing purposes for admins, allowing to create multiple test accounts quickly. So, we have added this feature in v11 and already implemented ( ), but I reiterate that it is not intended for and is not recommended for manually confirming standard users emails.

    • Thank you. Normally it should not happen, but nevertheless via Mailjet, I see addresses not confirmed even though the notification has been delivered. Conversely sometimes it is blocked, in this case I delete the account. Now why some people get the notification and don't click on the link, I don't know.
      Did you know that there are people who instead of clicking on the link respond to the notification by entering their email address?
      Welcome to an era where people do everything right now and don't bother to read anymore? But here in cases like that, I validate manually by breathing a big sigh of despair I recognize it. So logically yes, you are right we shouldn't need, unfortunately everything is not always logical.

      Very true and very sad. People don't want to move anymore. They want everything to be done for them.

      • o, we have added this feature in v11 and already implemented ( ), but I reiterate that it is not intended for and is not recommended for manually confirming standard users emails.

        Thank you Andrew Boon 

        • Great idea for version 12. :)