Comment to 'So what advantage am I getting here?'
  • Truer words were never spoken than these, just above. 

    People's attention span has never been shorter. We must not blow their minds with too many cute features, extra taps or clicks to make, and on-the-fly decisions to figure out. We imagine that we provide the only site in their world and that they must learn and adapt. But this is a huge miscalculation. 

    Thank you, thank you Chris, for the timely reminder:

    Having "too much" can be the very reason you site doesn't succeed. I did the same exact thing as you mentioned above. Spending $1,000's in modules and custom modules to make a site where you could "Do it all". EVERY one of those sites failed. What I mean by fail is, sure you may get a bunch of members to join, for them to say it's a cool website, but....logging in less and less until they do not return. You will even have those who join and never sign back in again. When I asked some of the users what they thought about my Mega-Site that I was so proud of, they responded with "There is just so much stuff" and "It's too difficult and hard to navigate".