Comment to 'UNA Video Tutorials - Do we have some video tutorials'
  • Hi Guys,

    Sorry for the delayed response.

    Anton thanks for your input, because I now know that it is not something I did wrong.

    I get the same results on (/friend-suggestions) page, but only if I select "profile units placeholder".

    To the other guys. my apologies if not properly explained.

    I just want to get rid of the big blocks that really take up too much space when showing suggested friends. I wish for a more compact, somewhat small view to fit in maybe more faces.

    What took me so long to reply and also, it irritates the hell out of me!!! I once looked at a video demonstrating in particular mobile view vs desktop view, how one can alter the look of these images of suggested friends. I just can't find that video, and it must have been on youtube or UNA site...

    Hope this helps.

    Kind Regards
