Comment to 'About OAuth2 Server'
  • Him Cem, if this can be a start of an answer ... If you want to connect with a Dolphin account on Una, you need the OAuth2 server on Dolphin AND the dolphin Connect module on una. The dolphin server key pair must be identical to Una's Dolphin Connect client key pair.
    In this example, you do not need the OAuth2 Server on Una, it plays no role.

    • Yes Baloo UNA already has oauth client, my question is about the specific server functionality.

      • And that route to login to Dolphin with Facebook and being authenticated to your Una site is it working with your config?

        • I do not use facebook, Twitter, Google connect, etc ... The only thing that matters to me is that the members of my dolphin site can arrive on new site Una with the data of their profile in one click via Dolphin Connect, so it is from house to house, and yes, it works very well.
          I try to be independent (as far as possible) from other services, especially when they do not bring much, if we think carefully.
          I'm not talking about Horde of course ...