Comment to 'Files, play mp3'
Comment to Files, play mp3
  • @Alex T⚜️ @Anton L Also, what we definitely need here and it has been missing in UNA is a dedicated Audio module similar to the Videos module where users can play, upload and download audio files. It's very handy for podcasts, music/songs, Business conferences/meetings/workshops, church services, classes/courses, tutorials etc.

    We already have a photos and videos module, Why can't we also have a dedicated Audio module? Please leave the files module for files like: .pdf, .docx, xlsx, .txt etc only.

    Please, please, please consider this message as a feature request for a separate Audio module in UNA 14. It shouldn't be difficult to implement as it's basically a clone of the video module and the plyr player supports audio files as you can see see here:

    Thanks in advance for hearing us.

    • There is one in the market. I agree, should be included. But I still think files should preview all uploaded content.

      • @Alex T⚜️ @Anton L Also, what we definitely need here and it has been missing in UNA is a dedicated Audio module similar to the Videos module where users can play, upload and download audio files. It's very handy for podcasts, music/songs, Business conferences/meetings/workshops, church services, classes/courses, tutorials etc.
        We already have a photos and videos module, Why can't we also have a dedicated Audio module? Please leave the files module for files like: .pdf, .docx, xlsx, .txt etc only.
        Please, please, please consider this message as a feature request for a separate Audio module in UNA 14. It shouldn't be difficult to implement as it's basically a clone of the video module and the plyr player supports audio files as you can see see here:
        Thanks in advance for hearing us.

        Dear @Alex T⚜️ and @Anton L , please any chance to see an Audio module implemented in UNA 14 as requested above? Thanks.