Comment to 'How to set up Credits?'
  • Hello
    About Creadits:

    1. You (as site owner) need to create Bundles in Studio -> Credits -> Bundles. And configure at least one real payment provider in User End -> Account -> Settings -> Payment Settings. It's needed that common members can purchase credits for future usage on your site.

    2. Common sellers on your site should activate 'Credits' payment provider in User End -> Account -> Settings -> Payment Settings. After that they'll be able to accept payments in credits.

    That's all. Common members can purchase credits from you and pay with credits to sellers on your site. If you enable 'Allow members to withdraw credits converting them to money' setting in Studio -> Credits -> Settings, then sellers would be able to request withdraw collected credits converting them to money and you'll need to process it manually. 

    Note. You may use 'Conversion rate to pay with credits' and 'Conversion rate to withdraw credits' settings in Studio -> Credits -> Settings to get some commission from all operations with credits. It will be obtained when sellers request to withdraw credits.

    Best Regards