Comment to 'video and file option in album'
  • I'm not sure if it will work, but you can try to allow to upload any files in albums modules and see how it works for you:

    UPDATE `sys_objects_storage` SET  `ext_mode` =  'deny-allow', `ext_allow` =  '', `ext_deny` = 'action,apk,app,bat,bin,cmd,com,command,cpl,csh,exe,gadget,inf,ins,inx,ipa,isu,job,jse,ksh,lnk,msc,msi,msp,mst,osx,out,paf,pif,prg,ps1,reg,rgs,run,sct,shb,shs,u3p,vb,vbe,vbs,vbscript,workflow,ws,wsf' WHERE `object` = 'bx_albums_files';

    clear DB cache after running this query.

    To revert back run this:

    UPDATE  `sys_objects_storage` SET  `ext_mode` =  'allow-deny', `ext_allow` = 'jpg,jpeg,jpe,gif,png,avi,flv,mpg,mpeg,wmv,mp4,m4v,mov,qt,divx,xvid,3gp,3g2,webm,mkv,ogv,ogg,rm,rmvb,asf,drc', `ext_deny` =  '' WHERE  `object` = 'bx_albums_files';