video and file option in album

Hi Guys, 

Is it possible to have video and file option in album module.

i am not using seperapte app for video, file and pictures. i just want to use album module that have option for all these three.

Or is there any way to create album of videos and files.


Travis K

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Replies (5)
    • I'm not sure if it will work, but you can try to allow to upload any files in albums modules and see how it works for you:

      UPDATE `sys_objects_storage` SET  `ext_mode` =  'deny-allow', `ext_allow` =  '', `ext_deny` = 'action,apk,app,bat,bin,cmd,com,command,cpl,csh,exe,gadget,inf,ins,inx,ipa,isu,job,jse,ksh,lnk,msc,msi,msp,mst,osx,out,paf,pif,prg,ps1,reg,rgs,run,sct,shb,shs,u3p,vb,vbe,vbs,vbscript,workflow,ws,wsf' WHERE `object` = 'bx_albums_files';

      clear DB cache after running this query.

      To revert back run this:

      UPDATE  `sys_objects_storage` SET  `ext_mode` =  'allow-deny', `ext_allow` = 'jpg,jpeg,jpe,gif,png,avi,flv,mpg,mpeg,wmv,mp4,m4v,mov,qt,divx,xvid,3gp,3g2,webm,mkv,ogv,ogg,rm,rmvb,asf,drc', `ext_deny` =  '' WHERE  `object` = 'bx_albums_files';
      • Also Albums already supports videos.

        • Hi Alex, 

          thanks for replying..

          will you also tell me how to change max file size in album from default 125 mb.

          Also while uploading files in album it saying "add/edit pictures" and "upload pictures" .. how i can modify this from pictures to "pic and video".

          i have attach one pic for reference.

          thanks and regards,

          travis k

          • Hi Travis!

            1) First of all, you need to check if this size isn't maximal in your server. You need to visit Stuido->Dashboard->Host tools area and launch there "Server audit" button. Find there the values of the 2 variables post_max_size and upload_max_filesize. These values are presented in Bytes so you need to divide them on 1024 and again on 1024 - then you will get the size in Megabytes. So if these values aren't fine for you then you need to ask your hosting support to increase them.

            2) It can be done via Polyglot app In Studio area. Just go to the "Keys" area there and enter the "Search" field text, which you want to change (like "add/edit pictures"). Then edit the values of the found key.

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