Comment to 'I like the concept of Spaces, But...'
  • No quote yet.  I am beginning to thinks you guys don't love me anymore... say it ain't so :'(       What am I supposed to do with all this money burning a hole in my pocket?

    • No quite yet.  I am beginning to thinks you guys don't love me anymore... say it ain't so :'(       What am I supposed to do with all this money burning a hole in my pocket?

      Sorry for delay. Actually such modification requires some changes which aren't fitting the UNA structure well, since posting into context can be done from different places, also there are roles in group based modules which will require quite complicated interface to specify which content is allowed to post for different roles, which could overlap some privacy settings in a group. 

      As an intermediate solution I would suggest some simple workaround, just add the following CSS code into RAW block on Space view page, it will hide specified items from "Create Post (Context)" block menu:

      -create-post-ma-popup li[class*=bx_glossary],
      -create-post-ma-popup li[class*=bx_shopify],
      -create-post-ma-popup li[class*=bx_snipcart],
      -create-post li[class*=bx_glossary],
      -create-post li[class*=bx_shopify],
      -create-post li[class*=bx_snipcart] {
        display: none;

      It maybe it is without sugar on top, but it should work.

      • Sorry for delay. Actually such modification requires some changes which aren't fitting the UNA structure well, since posting into context can be done from different places, also there are roles in group based modules which will require quite complicated interface to specify which content is allowed to post for different roles, which could overlap some privacy settings in a group. 

        I can get by with this, but it's a bandaid, not a cure.  

        It worries me that it takes complicated changes, to give group creators the ability to decide the types of content they want in their group or space.  I do believe that this should be a feature, and I do understand that it could take a lot of time and effort.

        In the mean time...  What if there were a derivative of the "Create Post (Context)" block that worked just like it. but only allowed posting of the content types that were enabled on the  Navigation > Items > Spaces > View Space Submenu?  It would be a way for site admins to have control over what types of content that could be posted to spaces and groups. Roles and privacy should be irrelevant in such a case... you shouldn't have to mess with those things, if all you were doing was preventing All users from posting selected content. In such an implementation, it would be wise to also provide for a way to remove groups and/or spaces from the visibility selector for site wide content posting, for obvious reasons. This doesn't do anything for group creators, but it would give site admins control over group content, and that's the most important, in my opinion.