Comment to 'Has the advertisement app got!..'
  • Hello

    MyZoid Vapour what do you mean with "has the ability for advertisers to send in there own banner ads "? Could you please describe the idea in more details. 

    Best Regards

    • Anton L well i was thinking some organizations have there own image and like it that way this way they will have peace of mind that there image is maintained because they sent in the material that's being advertised it would mean that advertisers with deals can send in a deal on the spot to be advertised and so on it gives so much more options to us webmasters/our clients i have not bought any apps yet but plan on starting with AQB Soft as im asking this question and suggesting this to help make better apps or enhance what is there with my ideas

      • Hello

        Banners app allows site owner to create banners holders on different pages and sell ads space to site members (persons, organizations) if the last ones need to advertise something.

        Best Regards