Comment to 'Where are the new features'
  • Well that's just it. This came right off a video that Andrey Yesko made, covering all this. And now of which the video is no longer available. As well as nothing described or seen in the Video is seen on either, or here at UNA. I had big plans for this Script, but things continue to be promised and told it will be there. Its a bit discouraging. Trust become slim. Promises cannot continue to be made and not even tell us as script users its coming, and then don't see results. I cannot keep investing if whats said is not met... That destroys the company name and also creates rifts with developers and users.

    This was an issue with Dolphin as well. Where do we draw the line and represent what we say...? When do we not only decide to make a good script, but also honor what we speak of or share with others. This creates issues for people using the script, when we tell our members on sites, that we have big changes coming, but then won't be able to produce results on our end as well. This cannot continue to happen.

    The video stated it would be some of the new features coming on this release... And the update is about to release with NOTHING seen or shown in the video preview.

    • This happened to me with the Streaming App so I understand completely

      • Well I keep bringing up my other script carriers or developers. When they say somethings coming?? it happens! Not one time has there been a hiccup in this. They are quick to fix if/when there are issues as well. Its a terrible feeling to say great things to our site members, and then them get all excited about updates and changes, to only not be able to hold our announcements, because our scripting provider also is not holding there word... Its a bit upsetting...