Where are the new features

xdyrwnn8brgpfp2yzqkqpqmnpjbszdi3.jpgSo there was talk of so many new features that UNA was supposed to have, in this upcoming version update. I have yet to see them on here or on online.me.... There was talk of having new things such as Media Manager and Photo tools for profiles covers and profile pics, Stories addon and a few other things..., as well as cleaner interface and quicker response time. There was supposed to be a redesign in Messages as well. I watched a video (Stream Live Update Preview) that was produced months ago, showing and promising all this amazing stuff, but no sign of it as of yet.

The Streams Live App Preview showed so many new features. Which has now been removed...? Where are they??? Where are the promises???

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Replies (11)
    • I know stories was going to be after UNA 13, but I definitely was interested in Media Manager, Photo Editor, and the Messenger UI

      • Well that's just it. This came right off a video that Andrey Yesko made, covering all this. And now of which the video is no longer available. As well as nothing described or seen in the Video is seen on either, online.me or here at UNA. I had big plans for this Script, but things continue to be promised and told it will be there. Its a bit discouraging. Trust become slim. Promises cannot continue to be made and not even tell us as script users its coming, and then don't see results. I cannot keep investing if whats said is not met... That destroys the company name and also creates rifts with developers and users.

        This was an issue with Dolphin as well. Where do we draw the line and represent what we say...? When do we not only decide to make a good script, but also honor what we speak of or share with others. This creates issues for people using the script, when we tell our members on sites, that we have big changes coming, but then won't be able to produce results on our end as well. This cannot continue to happen.

        The video stated it would be some of the new features coming on this release... And the update is about to release with NOTHING seen or shown in the video preview.

        • This happened to me with the Streaming App so I understand completely

          • Well I keep bringing up my other script carriers or developers. When they say somethings coming?? it happens! Not one time has there been a hiccup in this. They are quick to fix if/when there are issues as well. Its a terrible feeling to say great things to our site members, and then them get all excited about updates and changes, to only not be able to hold our announcements, because our scripting provider also is not holding there word... Its a bit upsetting...

            • Not all available features are immediately available on UNA.IO or on UNA Cloud. We are releasing UNA 13RC1 today-tomorrow, with any luck, and it will have a number of mentioned improvements, including Streams, Photo editing for covers and PFPs, Media Manager as well as a significant number of performance improvements. The new Messenger is being tested now, but we are not yet confident enough to package it with RC1. It may have to come out shortly after. The "Stories" module got stalled for now due to the project funding holdup, but we hope it would carry on in mid-January, so we'd be able to release in Feb-March.

              • I appreciate the update. It helps knowing the Info. Please try to keep us in your thoughts when things change good sir. We are all in this together. I appreciate you hearing me and stepping forward to resolve the unknown Andrey.

                • I have been rather quiet in the last few months - mix of overwhelming amount of work on tailored projects and core development and some personal stuff, but will be a lot more available next year. Regular updates coming.

                  • Will people on UNA Cloud be able to get work done on their sites using Quote work instead of having to upgrade their plans? I needed work done and instead of getting a quote I was told I had to upgrade my plan. This new business model will hurt UNA Cloud members who are used to getting quote work done directly through UNA Devs who have access to the servers

                    • Andrey I know you have been working hard with what you have. I do appreciate you and your team. I get the stress thing for sure, plus juggling personal time and whatever comes your way. I know you hear a lot of frustration at times. I think anticipation can be overwhelming in itself.

                      • Custom changes on UNA cloud will need access to files/cpanel/ssh. We've been careful with this because once you provide that level of access people tend to install all sorts of things to their servers and we would effectively become a hosting company. In our previous experience we end up with sites running monster-hybrids of Wordpress plus Drupal plus god knows what. Adds to overhead and makes it hard to make the service viable. Next year, however, we plan to launch a new, simpler tier for those only needing to start a basic community, and the UNA Cloud servers with current Pro plans will get more flexibility and freedom. We hear you!

                        • I have no problem with UNA Devs doing the work. I don't use WordPress or extra stuff. Usually when I ask UNA Devs to help they give me a quote. I wanted to get rid of Jitsi Watermark and modify some of the stuff but when I asked UNA Devs they said I would have to upgrade to the next tier ($500) just to get work done from now on.

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