Comment to 'Add possibility to link two profiles of the same account'
  • Neither do I have any relationship with the groups.
    You can take the question upside down. What is the use of creating two profiles for the same person if there is no visible link between the two?
    I have not yet found the answer to this question.
    On the other hand, having the possibility of "linking" them I put it in quotation marks because I speak only of a symbolic link, would have an interest in the two cases that I mentioned, that of a couple, and the one or I wish to say Hello, me it is Baloo and look here my organization.
    In the other case, that of the couple, simply say, I am baloo and look here is my wife.
    I do not say one or the other, but leaving the choice would be cool.

    • It have to be option to not display such connection.

      BTW & IMHO - all this mess with any profiles for one account is really mess and wasting time : it adds virtual users, push users to spinner-switch btwn profiles... in our diner you can eat on two tables at one time!

      • Yes, of course. I am of your opinion, this represents a lot of energy spent for not much a priori. However, it is an idea that is probably exploitable, because it can still create profiles with completely different fields. for example, In my field of meeting, I would like to welcome handicapped people. Actually it is difficult to mix both, because you can not ask a blind person what his favorite movie is. Delicate.
        There are often badly exploited ideas, not often bad ideas I think.
        So for now I'm perplex, but maybe in two years I'll say it was a good idea :-)