Comment to 'Members - Featured/Un-Featured missing'
  • Don't try to reason with the UNA Devs on that, they are hardheaded on that function, a simple search will show this and how we, as the community, tried to get them to open their eyes to that mistake they made. They won't budge. Best thing we as a community can do is patch their slop.

    UNA is good as a base, it really needs to be forked by another set of devs that will actually listen to the communities needs.

    My heart does go out there to all those who use the free version of UNA or even paid for it, and just expect things to work, and then they realize, it just doesn't. Not everyone should be expected to know a codebase and have the wits to fix something that clearly wasn't tested. (Sometimes it's nifty to find clear error on their live site here, such as that missing like button on some comments, or even, still, to this day, their broken documentation page for macros: )