Comment to 'I have two sites and since updating to version 12.01 I can't access my studio'
  • Hello.

    The issue can be fiexed if you Disable/Enable the Timeline app.
    Note. If you customized Timeline's blocks/menus/settings they will be restored to the default state.

    In most cases this solution doesn't help.

    • Hi Anton, Thank for reply but I'm pretty sure i done some customizing.  I would prefer not to lose anything.  Especially when I have know idea to what extent things would be reverted.  Maybe as a last resort if that is indeed a solution or only solution.

      Would like to first  know what is the cause of this? Is it just me and three other members? Do we have something in common?  TDMHosting?

      The others seems to have upgraded to 12.0.1.  I am not aware of my site having been updated, it not something I did but am checking with to TMD.

      Is someone on the UNA team looking into this?

      • How do you do that if you cant access studio?