Comment to 'Add an image field to the Files module. How?'
  • Hello Canine!

    File fields are different from the other fields as they require to have the processing of uploaded info. So the similar changes better to make via editing the form file (in your case this is the modules/boonex/files/classes/BxFilesFormUpload.php). Also, it will require the showing of this processed pic too.  All these points require some programming skill (and the learning of this part from our manual But in your task, it would be easier just to upload the preview file too - then you will get 2 files with the same name which may be marked as "the files from the one pack". Or you may use the Space app - where every uploaded package will have the own items: the main file as package, the second - as preview etc

    • Hello Leonid, I find the file module very well, just that it just misses something. I find that Canine Domesticus rightly, this message "Preview not available." gives the impression of a bug.
      For the preview, I do not understand that it does not work properly, it's only an icon depending on the extension, I think we're asking for nothing more than that, and an attached image for illustrate and / or a cover.
      Why not do it like downloading an article in market, (of course without the market-specific part), that would be great like that.