Comment to 'Self-hosting - Why not?'
  • You're not alone. I've been "self-hosting" for more than five years now with a simple recycled PC with a Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5200 @ 2.50GHz, 2 cores 4GB ram and Comcast business class connection for around $100 a month with four IP address's; Webmin/Virtualmin on Ubuntu 16.04 with no problems. It's not a heavy loaded site as active members go for being online at the same time but I've got a lot of photos and the chat server running with no issues.

    I have several UPS systems for server, modems, hubs.

    I use the server for media storage too. 

    Backups are run daily to external drives via Webmin. 

    If you have the extra room I say go for it until your site slows down IMO.

    It's great to have "total" control of your data!!

    edit: this also includes my cable for TV's. 🙂