Comment to 'Jot Video Messenger - How to disable?'
  • Hello Foghorn,

    If you mean video recorder, it can not influence on loading of the page, because there is only one button.

    Videos which are already uplaoded and exist in history may take some time to load metada for the videos, but it also not so much time. 

    Try please to disposable OneSignal push notification in Messenger, if you have wrong setting for One Signal it may influence on messenger page. 

    Also please check browser's console in firebug or developer tool on main messenger page, may be it contains some errors.


    • Thanks for the response.  I'm referring to the "Send Recorded Video" in messenger, which allows you to make a video and send it. During periods of extreme site slowness, we've noticed in the logs some issues with someone trying to make and send one of these video messages.  So I want to disable this feature to see if it's causing are site to slow down so much.