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So as Admin you can change your profile to a user to troubleshoot.  How do you change it back? 

  • 2072
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When someone is part of a JOT group messenger like your Shout Box and they are disruptive, suspending them does not disable their ability to continue in the JOT messaging. 

And Deleting them is not good, because it doesn't block them.  How do we clear someone out of a JOT group message discussions w/o goin into the server?  

  • 2352
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I'm really not at all enthused that UNA is working on new things such as Live Streaming etc. because I really wish the entire development team would go back and fix the basics: 

For example uploading a Profile Image is more difficult and more unreliable in any UNA platform than all of your standard Social Media platforms.  It is a clunky two step process.  In all the other platforms that I use you simply click on the image and can edit it or upload and new one. The current UNA system looks very dated.   Also the cover image cropping is notoriously inaccurate.  

Groups could use some serious attention. It is also very clunky and unintuitive how it operates.  The Developers at UNA should spend one day answering all the questions that members ask on how to do this and how to do that. It's very basic stuff.   These things are more intuitive on other sites.   These are the things that should be addressed first.  It doesn't help any of us to have portions of our sites that look like they were developed 15 years ago.  

Facebook is the most successful platform in the World and many other sites have been able to develop platforms that are as intuitive as FB.  UNA should do the same. 

It would benefit everyone to Fix these things first and then go on to developing new functionality.

  • 2402
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What is the Avatar Menu called in Navigation and why isn't it called the Avatar Menu? 

  • 2057
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When using the Facebook Connect the UNA platforms sends new users a "temporary password."   If the user signed up using FB Connect the user can continue to sign on this way and has no need for a temporary password  and yet this email cannot be disabled.  What is the point of the PW and why can't it be disabled.  It creates a lot of confusion for new users.  I've joined dozens of membership sites using a FB connect and haven't been mailed temp passwords. 

  • 1973
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We have been using Facebook connect and now it's giving an error.  We've deleted the old app and created a new one and we're still getting this error: "Cross-site request forgery validation failed. Required param "state" missing from persistent data." 

Anyone dealt with this?

  • 1211
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When is the last time the UNA App has been updated and are community members having success with using it or is it still considered in the "development" stage?

  • 1287
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Controlling Spam.  Are there any installations of Large communities using UNA that have found ways to control Spam?   Messenger is very vulnerable and the IP block only works on a Spammer not using a VPN.  "Delete with Content" allows them to come back in.   This is a major shortcoming and we cannot find any information in this forum on how to deal with this.   

  • 1434
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Where is The "Featured Posts" block that is currently showing on this site?  I'm unable to find it in the content modules and would like to test it.  I can find featured, Discussions, Persons, Albums, just about everything but Featured Posts. 

Here's what I'm referring to: 


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UNA - Please fix the basics first
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