Comment to 'Messenger disconnected'
  • Will, thank you for your reply. The server is running forever. We had the same issue two weeks ago and we solved it by changing from one port to another, because the service couldn't be stopped with the kill command by our hosting admin. Now, 2 weeks later, messenger stopped working, again. Alexey helped with his support, but since we are hosted on a virtual server instance, we have no full root access. My question was meant in direction to other UNA site admins on a hosted server solution (not UNA), if they have similar experience with jot-server stopping service unexpected. From time to time, I noticed, that even the messenger here on stops its service. Now, teh reason might propably be that Alexey is working on it and stops the server on purpose. Since we are planning to go live around Easter, after almost 2 years of planning, deploying and waiting for technical reasons, The weird thing is that jot-server ran more than half a year without any issues. We even consider now changing from a vServer to a full root cloud server solution, because we need reliability of services.