Comment to 'What is going on with the notification counter?'
  • Hi AntonLV, Thanks a lot but I am affraid that your fix didn't address the problem because it has just happened again. I have just visited (righ now) and the counter was crazy again showing old notifications, even after you applied the fix. I had to refresh the page for the counter to go back to normal. We should investigate the problem further.

    • Hello. Personally I had the same problem with notifications counter when you've reported it first time (created this post). Today the problem didn't appear for me.

      I had to refresh the page for the counter to go back to normal. 

      Do you mean that you've refreshed the home page or the page with all notifications? Did you open the popup with notifications preview?

      • Yes, the problem occured on the home page after you applied the fix and i had to refresh it (the home page). I didn't open the popup with the notifications preview or the notification page. I have just refreshed the home page and the counter was back to normal, od notifications disappeared from the counter. Since then, the counter seems to work fine. If the problem happens again. I will let you know. Thanks

        • Hello. Notifications are Marked as Read (it changes the counter's value) when Notifications popup or Notifications page are opened. If you refreshed the home page and it changed the counter's value then it may be a browser's cach.
          We are still watching the problem. Thank you for helping.