Comment to 'Content Filter: Default Checkboxes'
  • Disregard this request, after research how this feature was introduced, it seems it is controlled by database input defaults, resolved with the following SQL:

    ALTER TABLE `sys_profiles` CHANGE `cfw_value` `cfw_value` INT(10UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1';
    • For reference on what this does, by default the INT was set to an absurdly high value "2147483647" so it seems like this is a failsafe the devs added in to ensure that at least "G" is on by default, but with it being such a high value, it fell back on the date of birth checks and updates and only then, updates the values to their correct values after the script was done.

      In this case, setting cfw_value default to "1" will ensure that G is always selected and nothing else upon profile creation.