3th week with UNA

Hello everyone,

before starting to test UNA, I checked some other possibilities like friendica, humhub, gnu social  etc. .
But the end without knowing that they belong to the same company,  I selected two applications Dolphin and UNA :)
Then with the answer from boonex I discovered that they are from same company and evolution steps of the same portal.

Now I guess this was the 3th week with UNA.

And I made a decision to continue with UNA as the Community application.

Of course there are things to improve and implement, but the eco system, ease of administration, I like a lot. I believe when it reaches to the stable realeases it will be a robust application. While making comparison we should not forget billions of dollars and years of work are behind the platforms like FACEBOOK. 

So the production of UNA team is GREAT.

My site is online with UNA now.

There are side effects of dealing that much with UNA. I started to see things about it in my dreams:

The UNA login icon was following me eeeeverywhere :)))))

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