Actions Block - Actions Block not available on all Pages where actions may be required

In the Groups module (although I am yet to check this is the Spaces and Organization Module, although I suspect the same will apply to those modules) the new actions block exists on the home page so that if the cover is hidden, actions may still be performed by inserting the actions block on the page.

Some pages, such as bx_groups_fans (Members page) have the action block in the cover, but no ability to add an actions block on the page, so if the cover is hidden the user cannot perform any actions from that page. In order to do so he has to navigate to the groups home page.

The actions block should be available on all pages that have the actions in the cover section.

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Replies (4)
    • You can already place actions block of "Members" page. Use Developer module to get "Code" field content from original block and insert it as new "Service" block:

      • A question, Does the Copyable flag have a significance as to wether the code can be copied to a services block or are most blocks copyable?  The actions block does work when copied as specified above, but the Copyable flag was set to off, denoting that the block is not copyable. 

        • No, it just make it copyable via Page Builder interface. However some code can work on particular pages only. For example "actions block" can work on content pages only and actions block from one module will not work in another. So copying code as I showed in previous post should be done only when you are know what you are doing.

          • Thank you for clarifying. Just wanted it to be clear for anyone reading this discussion. 

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