Adding a new entry into Timeline's Profile Feed display filter

Dear Developers,

Currently, the Timeline's profile feed has 4 types of display filters: All, Owner, Other and RSS. 

I am trying to create a new display filter called Promoted for promoted posts. I have created a define BX_TIMELINE_FILTER_PROMOTED, but I am unable to make the filter appear despite adding it to the $aMenu array in BxTimelineModule.php's _getBlockView function. Furthermore, I have explored the studio as well but to no avail.

I would like to know what step(s) I may have not done.

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Replies (2)
    • I think it's a very good idea. Create a dedicated feed to promoted items and add a choice.
      1. Publish promoted items on the profile feed
      2. Publish the promoted items in the dedicated feed
      3. Both
      We could have a dedicated page, what do you think?

      • What I am trying to achieve is option 1, so that users can choose the types of posts to view in the profile feed: All, Owner, Other, RSS, and Promoted.

        I know the $aMenu is the right place to do it as rearranging the array does change the order of the menu on the GUI, but I just cannot get a fifth line to appear in the menu.

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