ANDROID and IOS aps?

Ok so watching the intro video it says you can use your entire webpage as the ap.... Is there an IOS and ANDROID ap that simply connects to the webpage and logs the person in but actually displays the web page not an ap version?

Have not done work on ANDROID or IOS aps and I would want an ap to simply connect to the webpage , log them in and send notifications. only would need to work while online.

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Replies (8)
    • Comment by unknown is hidden.
      • Yeah I agree. Its not that easy. The app needs to be built from scratch. In this case the Iframe solution works, but it is not optimal. I know. I tried. I used AppInventor from MIT.
        When building from scratch, almost every movement in the app has to be synced with the server. It is not impossible, but not easy either.

        • Thank you for the info guys

          • UNA was built from the premise of mobile first. It does not need an app. It is the app. It does exactly what it was intended to do on a phone or a tablet. In other words, mobile and tablet users do not have to experience a mini desk-top site which requires them to scroll around constantly. And where nothing really fits the screen. Everything on UNA fits perfectly on the screen of every device. Android or iOS. Which required millions of lines of code, by the way.

            If somebody wants to rebrand the whole thing and rename it and call it their "app", I would suppose that is a different scenario. Redundant, as well. IMO.

            But what do I know? As you can see I am just a lowly raccoon. And to be honest, you should never trust anyone wearing a mask...

            • banister is right, however there are still some convenience to use the app for UNA, most important is PUSH notification for iOS, we're simple mobile app for UNA, it will be a bit more than iframe, but not too much.

              • The only missing thing that creates the need for applications is notifications.
                Current web application can not create notifications either visual or audial or vibration etc.
                This is the most important need for a user to have the motivation to check back to the UNA based site.

                • Its a start and it is better than nothing. Most people in Asia, africa and South America do not use computers. They use their phones.
                  I presented UNA to a Chinese investor today. He was not overly impressed. In return he showed me a Chinese development, which is only going to be available in China. I understood why he was not impressed with UNA. We are way behind the Chinese in software development.

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